£4 For Sale

Scottish Ghost Stories by Elliot O'Donnell Illustration by T

This advert is located in and around Kirton In Lindsey, Lincolnshire

Preview of the first image of Scottish Ghost Stories by Elliot O'Donnell Illustration by T.

Advert Description

"The book is a collection of ghost stories by an acknowledged expert in the field of the supernatural and serious investigation of the occult.
His father the Rev Henry O'Donnell was murdered in Ethiopia while big game hunting and before his death a banshee was said to be heard in the family home and to have aroused his interest in the occult and was to last throughout his lifetime."

Price includes postage

A book in very good condition no turned downed corners, I purchased the book new sometime ago but have have only just read it as I forgot I had it, been sat in my cabinet since buying it along with others of the same interest.

It is a book based on ghosts that supposedly haunt buildings and homes around Scotland. Nothing really horrific about it.

The book is 179 pages so can be sent large letter Royal Mail.
Price includes postage.

Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Second hand
Mind, Body & Spirit
ISBN 85306 958 1 481